Nose Growth, Cancerous, Healed
I read my Bible from beginning to end to get help. Nothing came but suffering; for really I suffered for many years in my nose of a cancerous condition.
Thank God when I found You, Dr. Trust, and Your Superet Light Science, and Your Treatment by Superet Light. I can now breather better, and thank God's Superet Light for the Treatment and the healing, and the character change—coming out of a sex life of adultery.
Thank God for giving us, afflicted humanity, so much help, love and blessings through God's Superet Light Science. It has made me a new woman.
Thank You, Dear Founder, Mother Trust. You made me a new woman to help my children and my husband. Now I thank God, Superet. God Bless and reward You, Mother Trust.
T. M. H. L. A. - SLHT, page 122